Free Domain Name

The 30 day money back guarantee excludes the cost of any domain name(s) either free or purchased with any of our web hosting services. Any domain name(s) will be deducted from the web hosting refund. The domain name(s) will still remain in your ownership.

SSL Certificate

The 30 day money back guarantee excludes SSL Certificates purchased as they are purchased separately to the web hosting.

Domain Name Transfer Offer

The 30 day money back guarantee excludes the domain name transfer offer whereby we add one year to the expiry date of the domain name for free on certain non .uk domain names, once the domain name has been fully transferred to us. The one year domain name renewal fee will therefore be deducted from the refund.


Refunds will be issued to the payment card used to order the web hosting package. Refunds will only be issued within 30 days of purchase of web hosting and will not be given if any of Name2net's terms and conditions, AUP or policies are contravened. The 30 day period begins from the date that the web hosting is purchased. No refunds are available after 30 days. When you upgrade from an existing web hosting package the 30 day money back guarantee does not start from the date of the upgrade but from the date the original web hosting package was purchased on.

This guarantee is subject to Name2net's terms and conditions